Friday, November 14, 2008

Skin Whitening Medicine

Skin is a sensitive area for almost all women; skin became a parameter for many woman to more beautiful, so sometime woman brave to challenge the dangerous for using whitening agent. Many whitening agent, can cause skin cancer if the dosage over the tolerant to skin permissive. Higher whitener concentration on the medicine usually is more dangerous. More strong effect to the skin and more fast white effect, because of higher concentration of whitener agent on that medicine, but many woman is not considered the dangerous of this, they are more prefer use fast effect of the medicine.

Kind of whitening medicine:
Bioqquin and Bioquin Forte – From Ikaphermindo

Variation:Cream 20 mg/g x 14.2 g
Cream 40 mg/g x 14.2 g

Contains: Hidroquinon

Usage:Help lessen of spot on the skin.

How to use:Smear evenly to the spot area, twice a day every morning and evening. Do this for 2 to 12 weeks.

Special Instruction:Using make up in the morning can do after this cream is dried. In the evening this cream can be used after the skin is clean by cleaning lotion or cleaning cream, and lets for a night. Before using this medicine, should be tried on the skin with very thin, medicine can continue use if there is no side effect on the skin like itches in the skin after 24 hours after trial. Keep the medicine in cold place, every after of used. Close the tube tightly to avoid of auto oxidation.

Attention:This cream can cause of itch, irritation and heat. If using this medicine is not making better after two month, stop using this medicine.

Just for external medicine, don’t use this medicine in area that is closed to your eyes, on the opening injured or children under 2 years. Avoid of direct sunlight (using of sunlight cream).

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