Monday, July 16, 2012

Herbal Medicine For Cancer

We are alway afraid from getting cancer diseases, and actually many herbal medicine can cure cancer. You can search on the internet about herbal medicine for cancer. More accurate if you can choose what kind of plant can be a herbal medicine, or you should choose what kind of herbal for certain cancer disease. The next problem may you must consistent to consume this herbal as medicine for long time. Look at the example below some herbal medicine offer can cure cancer disease but they don't describe detail what kind of disease and how much or how long we should consume this herbal as medicine.

Certain rodent taro can use as medicine for cancer, even on this article describe the menu but they don't said how long this medicine will show the effect so we can't predict how long our cancer can cure by this herbal. Rodent Taro (Typhoniumm Flagelliforme / Rodent Tuber) could be to treat cancer. a kind of taro plants with a maximum height of 25 to 30 cm can use as medicinal plants grow like bush. This rodent taro just exist in Indonesia as Malaysian doctor said to their patient.

Other great herbal medicine is Buah Merah that come from Irian Jaya - Indonesia, this herbal says can cure many diseases like cancer and even AIDs, but they don't describe how much this herbal should consume and how long this herbal will show the effect. Eventhough this fruit is difficult to find, the price also expensive because we must go to Irian Jaya to get this fruit.

Other herbal source is benalu or parasite plant that usually grow in Orange plant and can see in many other plant like mango and Avocado. Not all kind of benalu can use as cancer medicine but just benalu from certain orange can use as cancer medicine.

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