Monday, December 21, 2009

Be Careful Drink Supplement Beverage

Be careful to drink supplement beverage, especially for expired beverages. Expired beverage are harmful to health if drink, beside already damaged drink, toxic effects arising in these drinks can be caused by storing beverage cans which are already damaged. If the drink is damaged, then the metal in the can peeling and react with a drink and turn into a toxic substance.

Material supplement drinks can be even more dangerous because the drinks contain many types of chemicals like vitamin and mineral in it making it more likely to react with the metal coating material will be greater and the dangerous reactions when taken. Materials that have been oxidized metal is clearly a toxic substance for our bodies. The effect of this poisoning will usually cause nausea and vomiting head.

To avoid this happening then you should check the expiration dates listed in these drinks, if you have lived 3 months longer means the drink is 1 years old, and should not be drunk or do not buy. Immediately inform the clerk if the liquor on display was almost expired and is no longer worthy to be sold.

Another warning to drink the beverage cans is that the place where this canned drinks in the store sometimes unhygienic. Beverage cans can be peed by rats, which can contain a virus leptospirosis.

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