Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Papaya Herbal

According toresearch , papaya fruit to cure the sore sore . Because papaya contains papain, and this compound can decompose the protein in the body.

Based on my experience, how to eat this fruit is fruit that is still half-baked, half-baked because the fruit is still a lot of rubber containing a function to loosen stiff muscles. Once the fruit is washed, peeled and washed again, and not eaten with the seeds. Consumed twice a day approximately once ate 250 grams.

For patients with muscle disorders or spinal nerves in the dorsal area of ​​the kidney that causes muscle pain in the feet can consume papaya and its seeds, for 1 week, after taking a two-day sport streaching can do, is stretching the muscles of the leg pain to the hip.

For patients with liver disorders, papaya fruit is eaten with the skin and seeds. Can be blended with the first. Eat two times a day for at least 1 week.

Papaya fruit itself contains many vitamins, especially vitamin C in it is very useful for the human body.

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