Thursday, July 25, 2019

Herbal Medicine For Diabetes

Diabetes Melitus is a kind of diseases that disorder on the pancreas hormone that produce Insuline hormone. Insuline hormone itself is used to compose immune system and other function like to control glucose contain on the blood, so all body system that work with the use of this hormone will disturbe. One of the fatal effect if this hormone is needed for immune system, like cure from microorgnisme attact, for outside or inside of our body.

Microorganism that attact our body from outside like bacteria that can enter from injure, from skin scratch etc. This cure will difficult to cure by itself as usual because the immune system is disturbe by the lack of insuline hormone. For the people why our body itself.

What kind of herbal can help the condition of people which have diabetes disease? actually it deppend the source of the problem. Not all kind of herbal can help diabetes disease but only right herbal can help the people to cure this disease. The disease should be obseerve first by expert doctor for diabetes. What is actually make the pancreas disturbe to produce insuline should by detect but usually this is very difficult, doctor only treat people as usual but not specific.

If the pancreas function disture because of any wound so that this make pancrease cannot work normally, so the wound sould be cured. The herbal can use Red betel leaf by drink the liquid from boiled water mixed with red betel leaf.

If the source disturbance because of the pancreas attact by bacteria, so the bacteria shoould be killed by some medicine like antibiotic in order the function of pancrease can work normally. Some vitamin like C vitamin can help for our body to produce broken cell and can make all organ can work normally.

Other medicine can use as herbal medicine for diabetes like AntLion. But the function of this herbal should be macth with the problem source of pancreas hormone system.

antlion untuk obat diabetes
AntLion (undur Undur)

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