Do you often experience these symptoms: chest pain and shortness of breath? At first the pain was only felt in the chest to the left, but eventually spreads to the shoulders, neck and left arm. In fact, sometimes the pain can get heart ill and back stabbing.
Pain will be even more crazy when you take a deep breath. The pain that sometimes comes not only during the move, but also when relax. "If it happens to you, do not underestimate symptoms like this," said Emanoel Oepangat, heart disease experts from Siloam Hospital, Tangerang.
According to him, many people thought the symptoms were as common colds. Allegations could be wrong because these symptoms are also early signs of heart disease.
Early symptoms of heart disease is similar to colds. That is why, many people who then ignore these symptoms. Even if there are taking action, they prefer to treat with the way scrapings. "In fact, scrapings only to remove wind," he said.
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